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Flora and FaunaSharingwood is located on a medial moraine, above the Snoqualmie River with a gentle slope to the south and east. The land is heavily forested with about six acres of wetland defining the northwest corner. There are two distinct forest types, each of which encourages a wide variety of wildlife. The current development plan uses about 14 acres of the site for houses, roads and parking, leaving around 25 acres of greenbelt. Black-tailed deer are common and coyotes, owls, hawks and weasels are indicators of a healthy eco-system. Each March the chorus of frogs from the wetland connects us to the changing season, each winter the call of owls broadcasts the dark mysteries of the winter forest. On the West side of Sharingwood is about 10 acres of second growth forest with some 80-120 foot trees and a number of old growth stumps, indicating the land was logged in the early to mid 1940's. The plant and tree mix indicates a healthy soil and winter storms each year prune the weaker trees and branches. There are foot trails around the property which are in various states of maintenance, and an active contingent of people who maintain these. The native plants are vigorous and quickly reclaim cleared areas, so trails often disappear from year to year depending on the level of attention they receive. We have a small, primitive campground in the woods as well as other places within the forest to gather. See also the Fruits and Berries of Sharingwood. |
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